Helping ambitious Entrepreneurs Survive, Thrive, Scale and Exit Successfully

Love it or hate it, planning and financial control is critical to real business success.  You expect your Accountant to help, but all too frequently, all you get is a set of accounts 6 to 9 months after the ‘year-end’ and you hope you are not paying too much in tax.

To be truly successful in business, you need practical, hands-on guidance and assistance to plan, and then manage the financial side of your business, whilst you focus on what you do best.

The 3 Steps Process for Outstanding Business Success

1.) Have a Plan - Your Road Map

Running a business is a journey from A to E, where E is inevitably ‘Exit’.

Your business should give you financial freedom and security, not a rut you cannot get out of.

For any journey you need a plan, a road map that clearly describes your journey from A to E.

2. Review Progress vs Plan

The Map for your business is a Forecast, not just the Profit and Loss.

You also need to know how much value you have created prior to Exit, and critically, you have to manage your Cash Flow because far too many profitably business fail because they run out of cash.

3. Continuous Improvement

There are just 7 Key Business Growth Drivers that apply to every business.

They are the inputs that deliver growth and improved cash flow.

Continuously strive to make small, 1% improvements and the results compound to deliver spectacular results quickly and easily.

Two critical things you need to know as a Business Owner

1. The 7 Key Business Growth Drivers

To discover exactly what the 7 Key Business Growth Drivers are and how seemingly insignificant 1% improvements quickly compound to deliver spectacular improvements in profitability, business value and cash flow, join the invaluable introduction to Financial Management for Business Owners, (FiMBO).

2. How to Prepare Your Business for Exit

Statistically, your chances of achieving your target ‘Exit Valuation’ is just 1 in 2,200.  You would have to be mad to gamble on those odds, but if you know what you are doing you can massively improve your chances of success, join one of the upcoming Exit Planning #101 programmes.

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