Welcome to ‘Financial Management for Business Owners’ (FiMBO) or ‘How to Grow Your Business’.
Each of the 12 one-hour weekly modules is packed with practical, real-world tips and strategies you can take away and implement immediately.
Focus on your Key Business Growth Drivers, make small, continuous incremental improvements to Grow Your Business By Design.
Small Improvements in Key Business Growth Drivers Compound Resulting in Massive Increases in Profit and Equity Value.
Don’t just Cut Costs, Getting More Out of Your Overheads, The quickest, easiest route to quick win cash is in the area you have most control over.
Whatever your priority, be that Sales (Vanity), or Profit (Sanity) or Cash (Reality). Cash should be your number 1 KPI, as you will discover.
The Easiest Way to Increase Profit, Cash Flow and Deliver Immediate Results… Some key business drivers are hard to change, this one is quick, and it is easy.
Fix The Leaks to Reduce Customer Attrition. For most businesses, addressing the causes of attrition is one of the fastest ways to grow sales.
The ‘Low Hanging Fruit’, Maximising Sales to Existing Customers. The average business can increase sales by 40% selling more to existing customers.
To quickly increase revenue, start by focussing on increasing sales to existing customers, start with average value, then purchase frequency.
Long Term Growth Hinges on Your Ability To Acquire New Customers & Retain Them Long Term.
How much do you need your business to be worth and when, so you have enough money to never risk running out in the future?
No-one knows what the future holds, which is why it is imperative your business runs in a way that gives you options, for today and the future.
Making Your Plans & Aspirations Requires a Plan A Forecast For EXACTLY How & When It Will Happen.
The Financial Management for Business Owners (FiMBO) program is designed to help business owners improve their financial management skills and grow their businesses. Here are some of the key benefits of attending the program:
I recently completed the FiMBO programme – a 12-session journey designed to help business owners like me better understand the financial planning to help grow and eventually sell your business.
The FiMBO programme is not only worthwhile but also essential for anyone considering growing or selling their business. If you’re ambitious and envision retiring in the next 10 to 20 years, this programme is incredibly useful. But for those, like me, who are developing an exit plan within the next five years, FiMBO is almost indispensable.
It has equipped me with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the complex process of ‘Business Exit’ and I could not be more grateful for this transformative experience.