How would your business improve by making achievable small improvements in your KPI’s.
Using the simple calculator below you can see how a small improvement in just a handful of business measures can significantly improve your overall profitability.
Submit the form to schedule a review of your business using the full ‘Business Growth Model’ and see the impact of all 9 measures across your business.
- Customer acquisition
- Customer retention
- Transaction Frequency
- Transaction Value
- Gross Margin %
- Overheads %
- Debtor Days
- Creditor Days
- Stock Days
Marginal gains refer to the concept of making small, incremental improvements in various areas of a business that, when combined, lead to significant overall improvements in performance and results. The benefits of implementing this philosophy include increased efficiency, cost savings, and improved customer satisfaction, among others. Additionally, by continuously seeking and implementing these marginal gains, businesses can foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement, leading to sustained success and competitiveness.