Your Business Should Be The Means To An End How Much Wealth Do You Need To Create and By When?
What’s your number: How much do you want your business to be worth and when?
At some point, we all have to hang up our boots and stop working. How much wealth do you and your family need to have accumulated by then?
What do you want to do for your family, your other half, for yourself and what will all that cost? Have you taken the time to work out exactly how much money you will need?
Your business should be a valuable asset, one that will fund your future so you need to be clear about exactly how much you need it to be worth and by when.
Discover how you can effectively plan for yourself and those you love to be sure everyone can live the life they want and deserve for now and the long term.
Discover how to grow your business click the Book Now button. FiMBO is a 12 Week Programme delivered online, each session is 45 minutes with extra time for live Q&A. The first session is free to attend. Decide at the end of the session if you would like to commit to the full programme (£297+VAT).
Money Back Guarantee: If you are not delighted at the end of the 12 weeks, just say so and we refund every penny, simple as that.
“That was frightening. I hadn’t really thought about the future. It was a real surprise to think about it in those terms. Thank you for opening my eyes to this essential part of planning for life after work”.
Knowing your number is a critical part of planning.