Elevate Your Business with Our Monthly Peer Support Groups
Are you an SME business owner looking to navigate the complexities of growth, exit planning, or simply aiming to strengthen your business’s foundation? Having been introduced to the transformative insights through the ‘Financial Planning for Business Owners (FIMBO)’ and Exit Planning 101 programmes you’ve taken the first steps towards realising the potential of your business.
Now, it’s time to dive deeper and propel your business forward with the support of peers who understand your journey.
Our Peer Support Groups are more than just meetings; they are collaborative hubs designed to support SME business owners like you, fostering an environment of growth, accountability, and mutual support. Each month, for two hours, you’ll have the chance to:
SME business owners who:
Join our Peer Support Groups and unlock the full potential of your business through the power of community, continuous learning, and shared success.
Register Your Interest & Reserve Your Place
Interested to know more? Please complete the expression of interest form.
Elevate your business journey today. Let’s grow together.
Membership of the Peer Support Group is just £500 per month and £250 for each additional member from your business.
Download Introductory Programme Guide
Monthly Peer Group Meeting:
Delivered to an exclusive closed group of TMS members to assist with specialist education and to help members and clients overcome challenges and realise opportunities.
Monthly 121 Review Call:
45 minute online call to identify the key barriers to growth and establish a pathways to success.
Management Reporting and Diagnostic Tools: Value: £239 per month
Automate financial data extraction, analysis, planning, forecasting, and reporting, including identification of specific problems or opportunities hidden in financial data.
Financial Management for Business Owners, (FiMBO): Value: £297
12 weeks x 1 hour per week with the option for you (or any members of your team), to re-attend future FiMBO training programmes as often as you wish.
Exit Planning 101: Value: £297
12 weeks x 1 hour per week with the option for you (or any members of your team), to re-attend future Exit Planning 101 training programmes as often as you wish.
Other Expert Training & Support:
Augment your skills and ability to solve your key business challenges.
Register Your Interest